🎉تقديم مولد الصور Flux AI

النص إلى الصورة المتقدمة
مولد الصور Flux AI

إحداث ثورة في الجيل التالي من النماذج المفتوحة المتقدمة من النص إلى الصورة، تدعم نماذج flux.1 pro/dev و flux.1 schnell.


مولد الصور Flux AI هو أداة قوية تتيح لك توليد الصور من نصوص الإشعارات. يستخدم نماذج AI متقدمة لإنشاء صور مذهلة مثالية لأي مشروع.

أفضل ما في FLUX.1، يقدم أداء توليد الصور على مستوى التقنية الحديثة مع متابعة الإشعارات على مستوى عالٍ، وجودة صور، وتفاصيل صور، وتنوع في الناتج.

مباشرة مستخلصة من FLUX.1 [pro]، تحصل FLUX.1 [dev] على نفس الجودة وقدرات متابعة الإشعارات، بينما تكون أكثر كفاءة من نموذج قياسي من نفس الحجم.

أسرع نموذج توليد صور مصمم للتطوير المحلي والاستخدام الشخصي

يولد Flux AI صور عالية الجودة في ثوانٍ، بشكل أسرع بكثير من Stable Diffusion 3 وMidjourney. مع قدرات توليد الصور السريعة مثل البرق، يضمن Flux AI نتائج سريعة وفعالة، مما يوفر لك الوقت والموارد القيمة.

ينتج النموذج المتقدم Flux.1 صورًا أكثر تفصيلاً وتماسكاً من المنافسين. مع ميزات قابلة للتخصيص وواجهة مستخدم سهلة الاستخدام، يعتبر مولد الصور Flux AI هو الأداة النهائية لتوليد صور مذهلة من نصوص الإشعارات. سواء كنت مبتدئًا أو محترفًا، يحتوي Flux AI على ما تحتاجه. جرب قوة الذكاء الاصطناعي وغير عملية توليد الصور الخاصة بك اليوم!

أسهل في الاستخدام من ComfyUI، مثالي لكل من المبتدئين والمحترفين. مولد الصور Flux AI هو الأداة النهائية لتوليد صور مذهلة من نصوص الإشعارات. مع واجهة مستخدم سهلة الاستخدام ونماذج AI قوية، يجعل Flux AI من السهل على كل من المبتدئين والمحترفين إنشاء رسومات مذهلة.

أمثلة على صور Flux AI

توليد الصور من نصوص الإشعارات.

an ancient Landscape painting, poetic, invisible
the prospect is a Chinese architecture, moon, trees, the sky is filled with clouds
the minimalist style, prints
the architectures are golden, a red background
The prospect is a Chinese architecture, moon, trees, the sky is filled with clouds
a photo of a beautiful street in Freiburg with a tram passing by and people walking about and riding bikes
detailed cinematic dof render of an old dusty detailed CRT monitor on a wooden desk in a dim room with items around, messy dirty room. On the screen are the letters “FLUX” glowing softly. High detail hard surface render
an ancient Landscape painting, poetic, invisible
the prospect is a Chinese architecture, moon, trees, the sky is filled with clouds
the minimalist style, prints
the architectures are golden, a red background
The prospect is a Chinese architecture, moon, trees, the sky is filled with clouds
a photo of a beautiful street in Freiburg with a tram passing by and people walking about and riding bikes
detailed cinematic dof render of an old dusty detailed CRT monitor on a wooden desk in a dim room with items around, messy dirty room. On the screen are the letters “FLUX” glowing softly. High detail hard surface render
an ancient Landscape painting, poetic, invisible
the prospect is a Chinese architecture, moon, trees, the sky is filled with clouds
the minimalist style, prints
the architectures are golden, a red background
The prospect is a Chinese architecture, moon, trees, the sky is filled with clouds
a photo of a beautiful street in Freiburg with a tram passing by and people walking about and riding bikes
detailed cinematic dof render of an old dusty detailed CRT monitor on a wooden desk in a dim room with items around, messy dirty room. On the screen are the letters “FLUX” glowing softly. High detail hard surface render
an ancient Landscape painting, poetic, invisible
the prospect is a Chinese architecture, moon, trees, the sky is filled with clouds
the minimalist style, prints
the architectures are golden, a red background
The prospect is a Chinese architecture, moon, trees, the sky is filled with clouds
a photo of a beautiful street in Freiburg with a tram passing by and people walking about and riding bikes
detailed cinematic dof render of an old dusty detailed CRT monitor on a wooden desk in a dim room with items around, messy dirty room. On the screen are the letters “FLUX” glowing softly. High detail hard surface render
a portal into a mythical forest on the wall of my small messy bedroom
a little girl are playing in a beautiful bedroom of a big house which is in the center of a giant stone
A hidden cenote in the heart of a lush jungle beckons with crystalline turquoise waters. Vibrant emerald vines cascade down weathered limestone walls, their tendrils barely kissing the water’s surface. Shafts of golden sunlight pierce through a natural skylight above, creating a mystical interplay of light and shadow on the cavern walls. Iridescent butterflies flit between exotic orchids clinging to rocky outcrops. A partially submerged Mayan ruin, its intricate carvings softened by time, stands as a silent sentinel at the water’s edge. Schools of tiny silver fish dart through the crystal-clear depths, their scales glinting like underwater stars. At the far end of the cenote, a small waterfall tumbles melodiously into the pool, its mist creating ephemeral rainbows in the dappled light.
a tiny astronaut hatching from an egg on the moon
Epic artwork of a massive brutalist building floating above a favela in a tropical landscape, the large brutalist building has large wires and cables hanging from it, cinematic art
a portal into a mythical forest on the wall of my small messy bedroom
a little girl are playing in a beautiful bedroom of a big house which is in the center of a giant stone
A hidden cenote in the heart of a lush jungle beckons with crystalline turquoise waters. Vibrant emerald vines cascade down weathered limestone walls, their tendrils barely kissing the water’s surface. Shafts of golden sunlight pierce through a natural skylight above, creating a mystical interplay of light and shadow on the cavern walls. Iridescent butterflies flit between exotic orchids clinging to rocky outcrops. A partially submerged Mayan ruin, its intricate carvings softened by time, stands as a silent sentinel at the water’s edge. Schools of tiny silver fish dart through the crystal-clear depths, their scales glinting like underwater stars. At the far end of the cenote, a small waterfall tumbles melodiously into the pool, its mist creating ephemeral rainbows in the dappled light.
a tiny astronaut hatching from an egg on the moon
Epic artwork of a massive brutalist building floating above a favela in a tropical landscape, the large brutalist building has large wires and cables hanging from it, cinematic art
a portal into a mythical forest on the wall of my small messy bedroom
a little girl are playing in a beautiful bedroom of a big house which is in the center of a giant stone
A hidden cenote in the heart of a lush jungle beckons with crystalline turquoise waters. Vibrant emerald vines cascade down weathered limestone walls, their tendrils barely kissing the water’s surface. Shafts of golden sunlight pierce through a natural skylight above, creating a mystical interplay of light and shadow on the cavern walls. Iridescent butterflies flit between exotic orchids clinging to rocky outcrops. A partially submerged Mayan ruin, its intricate carvings softened by time, stands as a silent sentinel at the water’s edge. Schools of tiny silver fish dart through the crystal-clear depths, their scales glinting like underwater stars. At the far end of the cenote, a small waterfall tumbles melodiously into the pool, its mist creating ephemeral rainbows in the dappled light.
a tiny astronaut hatching from an egg on the moon
Epic artwork of a massive brutalist building floating above a favela in a tropical landscape, the large brutalist building has large wires and cables hanging from it, cinematic art
a portal into a mythical forest on the wall of my small messy bedroom
a little girl are playing in a beautiful bedroom of a big house which is in the center of a giant stone
A hidden cenote in the heart of a lush jungle beckons with crystalline turquoise waters. Vibrant emerald vines cascade down weathered limestone walls, their tendrils barely kissing the water’s surface. Shafts of golden sunlight pierce through a natural skylight above, creating a mystical interplay of light and shadow on the cavern walls. Iridescent butterflies flit between exotic orchids clinging to rocky outcrops. A partially submerged Mayan ruin, its intricate carvings softened by time, stands as a silent sentinel at the water’s edge. Schools of tiny silver fish dart through the crystal-clear depths, their scales glinting like underwater stars. At the far end of the cenote, a small waterfall tumbles melodiously into the pool, its mist creating ephemeral rainbows in the dappled light.
a tiny astronaut hatching from an egg on the moon
Epic artwork of a massive brutalist building floating above a favela in a tropical landscape, the large brutalist building has large wires and cables hanging from it, cinematic art
فلكس.1 [شنيل] هو نسخة محسنة من النموذج الأساسي، تعمل بسرعة تصل إلى 10 أضعاف النموذج الأصلي. مرخص تحت أباتشي 2.0، وهو مُحسن للسرعة والكفاءة، مما يلبي احتياجات المستخدمين الذين يتطلبون توليد صور سريع دون المساس بالجودة. هذا النموذج مثالي للتطوير المحلي والاستخدام الشخصي، حيث يحقق التوازن المثالي بين الأداء وسهولة الوصول. نقدم للمستخدمين 5 فرص مجانية شهريًا لتجربة توليد الصور فائق السرعة لنموذج فلكس.1 [شنيل]، مما يتيح لك مشاهدة سرعته المذهلة بنفسك.

فلكس.1 [شنيل]

فلكس.1 [شنيل] هو نسخة محسنة من النموذج الأساسي، تعمل بسرعة تصل إلى 10 أضعاف النموذج الأصلي. مرخص تحت أباتشي 2.0، وهو مُحسن للسرعة والكفاءة، مما يلبي احتياجات المستخدمين الذين يتطلبون توليد صور سريع دون المساس بالجودة. هذا النموذج مثالي للتطوير المحلي والاستخدام الشخصي، حيث يحقق التوازن المثالي بين الأداء وسهولة الوصول. نقدم للمستخدمين 5 فرص مجانية شهريًا لتجربة توليد الصور فائق السرعة لنموذج فلكس.1 [شنيل]، مما يتيح لك مشاهدة سرعته المذهلة بنفسك.

جرب الآن

اختر خطة لشراء الائتمانات

💳 نصيحة الدفع: إذا واجهت أي مشاكل أثناء عملية الدفع، لا تتردد في التواصل معنا! 😉 (أسئلة؟ اتصل بنا )


500 ائتمان
لا تكرار
  • Unlimited models

  • Max 50 Flux.1 Pro Image

  • Max 100 Flux.1 Dev Images

  • Max 500 Flux.1 Schnell Images

  • Choose for non-public

  • Commercial license


1100 ائتمان
لا تكرار
  • Unlimited models

  • Max 110 Flux.1 Pro Image

  • Max 220 Flux.1 Dev Images

  • Max 1100 Flux.1 Schnell Images

  • Choose for non-public

  • Commercial license


2500 ائتمان
لا تكرار
  • Unlimited models

  • Max 250 Flux.1 Pro Image

  • Max 500 Flux.1 Dev Images

  • Max 2500 Flux.1 Schnell Images

  • Choose for non-public

  • Commercial license

اتصل بنا
[email protected] إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة، لا تتردد في التواصل معنا.

الأسئلة الشائعة التي يتم طرحها

استكشف الأسئلة الشائعة التي يتم طرحها للعثور على إجابات سريعة. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مزيد من المساعدة، لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا للحصول على مساعدة مخصصة.

"写ルンです"風 Stable Diffusionより自然でいい感じ。 #FLUX #AI
Stable Diffusionより自然でいい感じ。
#FLUX #AI https://t.co/ryt4dm4Taw"写ルンです"風
Stable Diffusionより自然でいい感じ。
#FLUX #AI https://t.co/ryt4dm4Taw"写ルンです"風
Stable Diffusionより自然でいい感じ。
#FLUX #AI https://t.co/ryt4dm4Taw"写ルンです"風
Stable Diffusionより自然でいい感じ。
#FLUX #AI https://t.co/ryt4dm4Taw
It’s over. The new Flux image gen model is INSANE. None of these people are real. AI going to eat everything. Pack it in.
It’s over.

The new Flux image gen model is INSANE.

None of these people are real. AI going to eat everything. Pack it in. https://t.co/MNTcxxODQmIt’s over.

The new Flux image gen model is INSANE.

None of these people are real. AI going to eat everything. Pack it in. https://t.co/MNTcxxODQmIt’s over.

The new Flux image gen model is INSANE.

None of these people are real. AI going to eat everything. Pack it in. https://t.co/MNTcxxODQmIt’s over.

The new Flux image gen model is INSANE.

None of these people are real. AI going to eat everything. Pack it in. https://t.co/MNTcxxODQm
flux denoise test, there's certainly something happening at 0.8
flux denoise test, there's certainly something happening at 0.8 https://t.co/3VZ0ck3gZgflux denoise test, there's certainly something happening at 0.8 https://t.co/3VZ0ck3gZg
First time an AI image really struck me as uncanny. Not my prompt, this is an AI image generated using Flux and a Lora combo, I believe by Leo Kadieff. (He had posted it, at least)
First time an AI image really struck me as uncanny.

Not my prompt, this is an AI image generated using Flux and a Lora combo, I believe by Leo Kadieff. (He had posted it, at least) https://t.co/XL7SlVNiD9
#flux1 -dev テスト 8bitにすれば16GBでも動く。手順は公式通りでトラップなし SDXLより明らかに良い promptは単語羅列型ではなく、文章型 イラスト画風は苦手。古風なアニメ絵柄になるか、半リアルになるか 手はマシな方 総じて、#dalle3 超えは言い過ぎ 先の2枚がFLUX.1-dev、後の2枚がDALL-E 3
#flux1 -dev テスト


総じて、#dalle3 超えは言い過ぎ
先の2枚がFLUX.1-dev、後の2枚がDALL-E 3 https://t.co/0LrUc3YGbV#flux1 -dev テスト


総じて、#dalle3 超えは言い過ぎ
先の2枚がFLUX.1-dev、後の2枚がDALL-E 3 https://t.co/0LrUc3YGbV#flux1 -dev テスト


総じて、#dalle3 超えは言い過ぎ
先の2枚がFLUX.1-dev、後の2枚がDALL-E 3 https://t.co/0LrUc3YGbV#flux1 -dev テスト


総じて、#dalle3 超えは言い過ぎ
先の2枚がFLUX.1-dev、後の2枚がDALL-E 3 https://t.co/0LrUc3YGbV
Flux is awesome, right? 😂 But seriously, who else is tired of these '10 wild examples' post ? 💀
Flux is awesome, right? 😂 But seriously, who else is tired of these '10 wild examples' post ? 💀 https://t.co/baEuh0wTlAFlux is awesome, right? 😂 But seriously, who else is tired of these '10 wild examples' post ? 💀 https://t.co/baEuh0wTlAFlux is awesome, right? 😂 But seriously, who else is tired of these '10 wild examples' post ? 💀 https://t.co/baEuh0wTlAFlux is awesome, right? 😂 But seriously, who else is tired of these '10 wild examples' post ? 💀 https://t.co/baEuh0wTlA
I generated the following image with #FluxAI, and the subsequent video with #KlingAI. This required zero subject matter expertise. We’ve entered an age where seeing is no longer believing. #GenerativeAI is too good.
I generated the following image with #FluxAI, and the subsequent video with #KlingAI. This required zero subject matter expertise. We’ve entered an age where seeing is no longer believing. #GenerativeAI is too good. https://t.co/VCWTMDalGb
If you aren't using FLUX.1 and Runway Gen-3 Alpha to create realistic AI cinema, elevate yourself and get on that ASAP, fren. 🤖💨 #fluxai #gen3
If you aren't using FLUX.1 and Runway Gen-3 Alpha to create realistic AI cinema, elevate yourself and get on that ASAP, fren. 🤖💨

#fluxai #gen3 https://t.co/xEqDpDgg3T
✊🏻🤖 thanks! I'm not familiar with 404mon but anything you can imagine is rapidly becoming possible, fren
@AlexSaulean @bfl_ml @runwayml ✊🏻🤖 thanks! I'm not familiar with 404mon but anything you can imagine is rapidly becoming possible, fren https://t.co/wbq0kJe3km